Fictiv Vs. Xometry: On-Demand Manufacturing Platform

The on-demand manufacturing industry has seen rapid growth in recent years, with companies like Fictiv and Xometry leading the way. These platforms connect product developers with a global network of manufacturing partners to deliver parts quickly and efficiently.

But how exactly do Fictiv and Xometry compare? In this guide, we’ll explore the key differences between these two popular on-demand manufacturing marketplaces so you can determine which solution may be best for your needs.

A Brief Comparison Table

Services Offered3D Printing, CNC Machining, CastingWide range including 3D Printing, CNC Machining, Injection Molding, Sheet Metal, etc.
Instant QuotingFor 3D printing and CNC MachiningAcross all manufacturing methods
Partner NetworkCurated domestic and overseas factoriesThousands of global manufacturing partners
Order Fulfillment ProcessHands-on support and production coordinationSelf-service but can pay for additional support
Target CustomersEarly-stage hardware startupsEnterprises and mature engineering teams
CertificationsISO 9001, ITAR RegisteredITAR, ISO, Nadcap, AS9100D, and more
Lead Times1-15 days typical1-14 days typical
Post-ProcessingSupported in-house and through partnersAdd-on secondary services through partners
PricingHigher for smaller quantitiesLower prices at higher quantities
Quality ControlConsistent standards across networkVariable depending on manufacturer

Overview Of Fictiv And Xometry


Founded in 2013, Fictiv operates an AI-driven platform that optimizes the manufacturing process from quote to delivery. The company offers CNC machining, 3D printing, urethane casting, and injection molding through its network of highly-vetted domestic and international manufacturing partners.

Xometry, founded in 2014, provides on-demand manufacturing services for parts including CNC machining, 3D printing, sheet metal fabrication, die casting, and more. Its instant quoting engine and global supplier network enable fast turnaround times.

Both companies aim to streamline sourcing, quoting, and order fulfillment for custom mechanical parts used in prototyping and short-run production. They differentiate themselves through their technology, services, and partnerships.

Fictiv And Xometry: In-depth Comparison of Key Features

  • Technology and Instant Quoting

A core feature of both Fictiv and Xometry is their instant quoting engines. Driven by proprietary algorithms and machine learning, these tools deliver quotes within seconds based on parameters inputted for the desired part.

Fictiv’s quoting technology factors in geometry, materials, finishing, and dimensions for an accurate quote. Xometry boasts an extensive instant quoting engine spanning all of its manufacturing capabilities.

The key advantage of instant quoting is the ability to get pricing and lead time estimates almost immediately to inform design and purchasing decisions. However, quotes may still need to be reviewed for more complex parts.

  • Range of Manufacturing Services

Fictiv offers 3D printing, CNC machining, urethane casting, and injection molding services. Its focus is on rapid prototyping and bridge manufacturing.

Xometry provides an extensive range of manufacturing processes including:

  • 3D printing
  • CNC machining
  • Injection molding
  • Sheet metal fabrication
  • Die casting
  • Urethane casting
  • Anodizing
  • Welding
  • and more

With Xometry, buyers can source everything from prototyping to end-use production parts through one platform. The breadth of capabilities makes it appealing for enterprises with diverse manufacturing needs.

Fictiv’s narrower range of services enables optimization of rapid prototyping and small batch services. This can be ideal for product developers focused just on these applications.

  • Manufacturing Partner Network

The size and quality of a manufacturing partner network is critical for on-demand platforms. Fictiv and Xometry both promote their vetting processes and global partner pools as key advantages.

Fictiv carefully vets and optimizes its network of manufacturers in the US, China, and Taiwan. The emphasis is on quality, reliability, and collaboration. Fictiv handles much of the manufacturing process coordination on behalf of its customers.

Xometry boasts a network of thousands of manufacturing partners distributed globally. Partners are rigorously evaluated for part quality, capabilities, and capacity before being added. The company aims to provide maximum choice and redundancy to fulfill orders optimally.

For buyers, a larger partner network means more competitive pricing, capacity, and geographic coverage. However, quality can be inconsistent with less oversight. A smaller curated partner network offers more controlled quality but potentially higher pricing and limited capacity.

  • Order Fulfillment and Logistics

Both platforms aim to streamline procurement by handling sourcing, order fulfillment, and logistics for customers through their platforms.

Fictiv customers simply upload design files and get matched to an optimal manufacturing partner. Fictiv manages production and shipment while providing progress updates. Xometry customers follow a similar process but may see more variability depending on the capabilities of the matched supplier.

Fictiv heavily focuses on order coordination and logistics. Production details like CAM/CNC code generation, tooling, fixturing, and QC are handled by Fictiv and optimized for each factory. This level of oversight provides more control and consistency.

With Xometry, order fulfillment is dependent on the capabilities and processes of the assigned supplier. Customers may have to handle more upfront design for manufacturing preparation based on manufacturer requirements.

For buyers, Fictiv’s approach offers simplicity and consistency while Xometry provides more variable options. With Xometry there is more involvement selecting manufacturing details and code generation.

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  • Pricing and Cost Factors

Pricing on both platforms depends on the design specifications, manufacturing method, materials, and order quantities. Location of production also impacts cost.

For prototyping, Fictiv offers 3D printing starting at $10 for SLA and $6 for FDM per cubic inch. Xometry 3D printing pricing is very similar at $10-15 per cubic inch for SLA and $4-8 for FDM.

CNC machining on Fictiv costs around $70-200 per hour depending on materials and complexity. Xometry CNC machining rates range from $100-250 per hour.

Other processes like injection molding and casting are quoted on a per-part basis with MOQs, setup costs, and design complexity driving overall pricing.

Generally, Xometry’s greater partner choice and competition translates to lower costs particularly for higher quantities. Fictiv’s domestic focus and managed order process brings added fees but more hand-holding.

  • Production Speed

Both Fictiv and Xometry tout fast turnaround times enabled by technology and their supplier networks. For prototyping needs, customers can receive parts in as little as 1-3 days.

Fictiv lead times average 1-15 days for 3D printing, 3-12 days for CNC machining, and 5-20 days for urethane casting.

Xometry quotes similar speeds with typical lead times of 1-14 days for 3D printing, 2-10 days for CNC machining, and 5-15 days for urethane casting.

Faster delivery comes at a premium cost. Lead times extend for orders with exotic materials, complex geometries, or unique finishing needs.

For buyers on tight schedules, both platforms can deliver parts rapidly by leveraging their supplier bases around the globe. Speed comes at a cost, sothoughtful planning is still critical.

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  • Quality and Tolerances

Quality depends heavily on both design preparation and consistent manufacturing practices. This is a key area where Fictiv’s managed approach shines.

For prototyping needs, Fictiv delivers parts with tolerances down to +/- .005 inches and minimum feature sizes to .015 inches for CNC machining. Its platform optimizes tool selection, fixturing, and CAM programming for each job.

Xometry quotes +/- .005 inch precision for metals or +/- .010 for plastics for CNC work. However, results can vary more based on the capabilities of the assigned manufacturer.

For higher precision or complex parts, Fictiv’s optimized production process delivers more repeatable results. Xometry offers a wider range of quality options based on buyer budget and needs.

  • Design File Preparation

To manufacture parts efficiently, design files must be optimized based on the selected process. This may involve file conversions, defining print orientation, tolerances, and surface finishes.

Fictiv has an online design preparation tool called Optimizer to optimize CAD files for the chosen manufacturing method. The company handles any additional optimization and CAM programming needed to maximize quality.

Xometry has basic design for manufacturing guidelines but limited tools. Buyers are responsible for having production-ready files for the chosen process. There are options to purchase additional CAD and CAM services through Xometry partners as needed.

For buyers without manufacturing experience, Fictiv’s design optimization and production management delivers more consistency. Experienced engineers may value Xometry’s flexibility to specify manufacturing details.

  • Post-Processing and Secondary Operations

Sometimes parts require additional post-processing like media blasting, polishing, coatings, or sub-assembly. This expands the capabilities of manufacturers.

Fictiv offers support for post-processing and sub-assembly for orders. Operations can be configured in quotes and Fictiv facilities handle final polishing, cleaning, and inspection.

Xometry enables add-on services like finishing, painting, heat treating, and more through its partner network. Buyers select and price options through the portal for seamless fulfillment.

Having post-processing options enables delivery of production-ready components rather than unfinished parts. Both companies aim to provide a holistic solution.

  • Certifications and ITAR Registration

For companies in regulated industries, choosing manufacturers with proper certifications is critical. Xometry holds more certifications than Fictiv.

Fictiv production partners are ISO 9001 certified. The company itself is ITAR registered to produce defense-related parts.

Xometry partners hold over 50 key certifications including:

  • ITAR Registered
  • ISO 9001
  • ISO 13485
  • AS9100D
  • Nadcap accreditation

This compliance is reassuring for aerospace, medical, and automotive customers with strict regulatory requirements. Xometry currently has an edge in certified capabilities.

  • Target Customer Profiles

Fictiv focuses on early-stage hardware companies building electronics, robots, instruments, and consumer devices. The company caters towards design engineers without manufacturing expertise.

Xometry serves large enterprises beyond hardware startups. Its broad capabilities make it a fit for companies producing industrial machinery, automotive components, robotics, medical devices, aerospace parts, and more.

Fictiv simplifies sourcing for early-stage companies with limited production needs. Xometry’s wider scope appeals to large established organizations and those with complex supply chains.

Also watch this video about Xometry!

When To Choose Fictiv Or Xometry?

For new hardware startups, Fictiv can be a good fit due to its simplified quoting, design optimization, order coordination, and domestic 3D printing and CNC machining focus. You offload manufacturing details and get high-touch support.

For experienced engineering teams comfortable prepping files for production and sourcing suppliers, Xometry provides more options with instant quoting across numerous manufacturing methods. The expanded global network offers competitive pricing.

For specialized production parts like medical, aerospace, and automotive, Xometry’s certified partners and rigorous quality standards give it an edge. Fictiv has fewer compliant shop options currently.

For high-mix low-volume projects with tight deadlines, Fictiv’s domestic factories and hands-on order management afford speed and reliability. Xometry’s global network also enables fast turnaround but with less oversight.

For end-use production needs, Xometry is preferable for scaling to higher quantities across more manufacturing processes. Fictiv is focused more on prototyping through pilot batches rather than high-volume production.

Fictiv And Xometry Pros And Cons

Simplified order process for non-expertsWider range of manufacturing capabilities
Domestic focus for fast turnaroundMore competitive pricing for higher quantities
Design optimization and production coordinationGlobally distributed partner network
Specialized in low to medium volumesMore certified partners for regulated industries
Great for early-stage hardware startupsServes larger established enterprises beyond startups
Limited production capabilitiesLower consistency based on variable partner quality
Smaller partner network with higher costsLess hand-holding for design optimization
Not ideal for high-volume productionPotential for longer lead times

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What does fictiv company do?

Fictiv operates an on-demand manufacturing platform that provides fast prototyping and short-run production of parts like CNC machined, 3D printed, and cast components. The company optimizes the quoting, design, production, and delivery process for customers through its proprietary software and network of vetted domestic manufacturers.

What are alternatives to fictiv?

Top competitors to Fictiv include Xometry, Protolabs, and Hubs. Xometry provides instant quoting and order fulfillment across a wider range of manufacturing methods while Hubs and Protolabs focus more heavily on 3D printing specifically.

What is the address of fictiv in Pune?

Fictiv does not appear to have an office location in Pune, India. The company’s headquarters are located in San Francisco, California. Fictiv has focused its manufacturing partner network in countries like the United States, China, and Taiwan.

What is Xometry Vs. Protolabs Vs. hubs?

Xometry, Protolabs, and Hubs are leading online manufacturing platforms:
Xometry provides instant quoting for CNC machining, 3D printing, sheet metal, and other processes with a global network of manufacturing partners.
Protolabs focuses specifically on quick-turn CNC machining along with 3D printing. It has in-house manufacturing facilities.
Hubs specializes in 3D printing, offering instant quoting and order fulfillment through a global network of printing partners.
Xometry serves larger enterprises while Protolabs and Hubs cater more towards startups and smaller batches. All three aim to make sourcing custom parts fast and convenient.

The Takeaway

Fictiv and Xometry both provide on-demand access to a range of manufacturing capabilities for rapid prototyping and production. Key differences come down to:

  • Xometry’s wider manufacturing scope Vs. Fictiv’s optimization for CNC and 3D printing
  • Fictiv’s hands-on order coordination Vs. Xometry’s abundant supplier choice
  • Xometry’s greater certified partners Vs. Fictiv’s focus on startups

For new hardware companies, Fictiv simplifies the process while Xometry caters more towards large established enterprises. Evaluate your business’ maturity level, volume needs, certification requirements and internal capabilities when selecting the best fit.

Leveraging their instant quoting and streamlined fulfillment can accelerate product development and shorten time to market.

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