Crest Radiant Express Vs. Crest Professional White: A Detailed Comparison

Crest is one of the most popular and trusted brands when it comes to teeth whitening products. Two of their popular offerings are the Crest Radiant Express Whitestrips and Crest Professional Effects Whitestrips.

But what exactly is the difference between these two products and which one should you choose? This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth comparison of Crest Radiant Express versus Crest Professional White whitening strips.

A Brief Comparison Table

FeatureCrest Radiant ExpressCrest Professional White
Treatment Time1 hour per day30 mins per day
Number of Treatments20 treatments over 10 days20 treatments over 10 days
Whitening PowerModerateHigh
Whitening ResultsModerate whitening, up to 7 shades whiterSignificant whitening, up to 20 shades whiter
Active Ingredients9.5% Hydrogen PeroxideLower % Hydrogen Peroxide
Enamel SafeYesYes
SensitivityLow to moderateModerate to high
Best ForMild stainsHeavy stains and discoloration

Overview of Crest Radiant Express Whitestrips

Crest Radiant Express Whitestrips
Crest Radiant Express Whitestrips

Crest Radiant Express Whitestrips are designed to provide noticeable teeth whitening results in just 1 hour per day.

Some key features and benefits of this product include:

  • Treatment time is only 1 hour per day for 10 days
  • Contains 9.5% Hydrogen Peroxide as the active whitening ingredient
  • Can remove up to 7 shades of stains and discoloration
  • Has a minty flavor for fresh breath while whitening
  • Does not require activation by light or heat
  • Has low-moderate risk of tooth sensitivity during treatment
  • Affordably priced compared to other whitening strips

The easy, fast, 1-hour per day treatment time makes these whitening strips convenient to use. While the 9.5% hydrogen peroxide provides moderate whitening power to lift stains from coffee, wine, smoking, and other sources.

According to Crest, the Radiant Express strips start working from day 1, with final results after the 10 day treatment. Users can expect their teeth to become noticeably whiter, but not dramatically brightened.

The strips mold to the shape of your teeth easily. And the minty flavor leaves your mouth feeling clean and fresh while you whiten. This helps provide a pleasant user experience.

Crest Radiant Express is enamel-safe when used as directed. Though some people may experience temporary tooth sensitivity during the first few days of treatment.

Overall, Crest Radiant Express is a solid mid-range whitening strip option. The fast 1-hour per day treatment is convenient. And the strips reliably deliver moderate teeth whitening improvement for light stains and discoloration issues.

Overview of Crest Professional Effects Whitestrips

Crest Professional Effects Whitestrips are designed to deliver dramatic whitening results when used as directed. This is Crest’s most powerful at-home whitening strip system.

Here are some of the key features and benefits:

  • Treatment time is 30 minutes per day for 10 days
  • Uses a lower percentage Hydrogen Peroxide formulation for stronger whitening
  • Can remove up to 20 shades of deep stains and discoloration
  • Does not have any flavoring or mintiness
  • Requires no light or heat activation
  • Has a moderate-high risk of tooth sensitivity during treatment
  • More expensively priced than other Crest whitening strips
  • Provides professional-level whitening results at home

The 30 minute per day treatment time makes consistency and compliance easier than lengthier treatments. And the advanced Hydrogen Peroxide formulation packs a punch when it comes to whitening power.

Crest Professional Effects strips work to dramatically brighten smiles starting from day 1, with final results after the 10 day treatment period. Users can expect to see visibly whiter teeth – up to 20 shades difference.

The no-slip grip means the whitening strips stay firmly in place so you can talk and drink water while whitening your teeth.

Because this product contains such a strong whitening gel, moderate to significant tooth sensitivity is common during the first few days. This is normal and temporary. Following package directions can help minimize discomfort.

Crest Professional Effects delivers impressive whitening results comparable to expensive professional treatments. It’s the ideal solution for heavy stains, smoking stains, tetracycline stains, and other moderate-severe discoloration issues.

Also Read: Comparison Between Crest 3D White Brilliance and Glamorous White

Key Differences Between Crest Radiant Express vs Professional White

Crest Professional Effects Whitestrips

Crest Radiant Express and Crest Professional White whitening strips share some similarities, but also have distinct differences.

Looking at the two products side-by-side reveals how they compare in terms of treatment time, number of treatments, whitening power, active ingredients, sensitivity, cost and more.

Treatment Time

  • Crest Radiant Express – 1 hour once per day
  • Crest Professional White – 30 minutes once per day

The Radiant Express treatment is slightly more time consuming at 1 hour per day. Professional White has shorter 30 minute treatments.

Number of Treatments

  • Both products require 20 treatments over 10 days.

So they are equal when it comes to the number of treatments needed.

Whitening Power

  • Crest Radiant Express – Moderate whitening, up to 7 shades whiter
  • Crest Professional White – Significant whitening, up to 20 shades whiter

Professional White delivers superior whitening power with the ability to brighten teeth up to 20 shades. Radiant Express has moderate whitening power, up to 7 shades.

Active Ingredients

  • Crest Radiant Express – 9.5% Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Crest Professional White – Lower percentage Hydrogen Peroxide

While Radiant Express relies on a higher 9.5% concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide, Professional White actually uses a lower percentage formulation that is better optimized for deeper whitening.


  • Crest Radiant Express – Has a mint flavor
  • Crest Professional White – No flavor

The Radiant Express strips have a minty flavor for fresh breath. Professional White does not have any flavoring.

Enamel Safety

  • Both are enamel-safe when used as directed.

No difference here in terms of enamel safety.


  • Crest Radiant Express – Low to moderate sensitivity
  • Crest Professional White – Moderate to high sensitivity

Professional White tends to cause more significant sensitivity during treatment due to the stronger formulations.


  • Crest Radiant Express – More affordable $$
  • Crest Professional White – More expensive $$$

You’ll pay more for the superior whitening power of the Professional White strips. Radiant Express is the more budget-friendly option.

Best For

  • Crest Radiant Express – Mild stains
  • Crest Professional White – Heavy stains and discoloration

Radiant Express works best for milder stains, while Professional White is the better choice for heavy, deep stains or tetracycline discoloration.

Professional White is the winner when it comes to dramatically whitening very stained or discolored teeth. But Radiant Express gives you solid moderate whitening in a quicker, more affordable product.

Also Read: Comparison Between Crest Professional Effects and Glamorous White

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Crest whitening strips are the strongest?

Crest Professional Effects Whitestrips are Crest’s strongest and most powerful whitening strips. They contain an optimized lower percentage hydrogen peroxide formulation designed to penetrate deeply and provide dramatic whitening.

What is the difference between the levels of Crest whitening strips?

Crest whitening strips come in different “levels” that indicate the amount of whitening power. Higher level products like Crest Professional Effects have the highest whitening power, while lower levels contain less concentrated hydrogen peroxide for lighter whitening.

Which is better Crest Professional Effects or 1 hour Express?

Crest Professional Effects is the better choice if you want maximum whitening for heavy stains or discoloration. It delivers up to 20 shades of whitening. Crest 1 Hour Express is preferable if you have milder stains and want a faster, simpler whitening treatment.

What is the best professional teeth whitening brand?

Crest Professional Effects is considered one of the best professional-level teeth whitening brands available for at-home use. Other top professional whitening brands include Opalescence, Supersmile, and GLO. But Crest Professional provides comparable results at a more affordable price point in an easy-to-use product.

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Final Thoughts

When comparing Crest Radiant Express versus Professional White whitening strips, the major differences come down to treatment time, whitening power, and sensitivity.

Professional White delivers dramatic whitening for severe stains, while Radiant Express offers solid moderate whitening in a quicker, simpler treatment.

Evaluate your specific whitening needs and budget to decide which option is right for you. But you can rest assured both provide safe, effective teeth whitening from a trusted brand.

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